Quick Start

This page demonstrates about how to get started with the demo project for testing native and hybrid apps and the mobile web. The demo project is located at Github: https://github.com/selendroid/demoproject-selendroid

Before you start

To get started please setup first your system and if you want to use an emulator during test, please checkout this section.

Use Selendroid with Maven

The demo project is based on Apache Maven and uses JUnit 4 to run the tests.

Maven Central (Stable Version)

Selendroid is available in Maven central can be added in the dependencies section of the pom.xml:


Latest Snapshot version

Selendroid latest development version is available in a Maven snapshot repo. For using the latest version, please add in the dependencies section of the pom.xml:


Please add as well in the repositories section of the pom.xml the following repository:

     <name>snapshot repository</name>

Before starting SelendroidDriver it is mandatory to start the SelendroidStandalone-server. This can be done by

  • using the command line or
  • code in the test case

Command line start of selendroid-standalone

Go through Selendroid's setup instructions and download the current version. The applications that are we are using in the demo project are located in this folder.

To start the standalone server please open your prefered shell and run:

java -jar selendroid-standalone-0.17.0-with-dependencies.jar -aut EmployeeDirectory.apk -aut selendroid-test-app-0.17.0.apk

When the server is started you can verify the current configuration http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/status:


Start selendroid-standalone during test

Before the test is executed the selendroid-standalone server will be started:

SelendroidConfiguration config = new SelendroidConfiguration();
// Add the selendroid-test-app to the standalone server
selendroidServer = new SelendroidLauncher(config);

The test itself you find here.


After the selendroid-standalone has been started, the SelendroidDriver can be initialized:

// Create the selendroid capabilities and specify to use an emulator and selendroid's test app
SelendroidCapabilities caps = new SelendroidCapabilities("io.selendroid.testapp:0.17.0");
driver = new SelendroidDriver(caps);

The capabilities are describing what app is used for testing and in this example the selendroid test app is used.

Simple Tests

For testing the Android app the WebDriver API is used. This demonstrates about how a text field can be found and text can be entered.

// Find an element by id
WebElement inputField = driver.findElement(By.id("my_text_field"));
//enter a text into the text field
//check if the text has been entered into the text field
Assert.assertEquals("Selendroid", inputField.getText());

Native App Test

Selendroid's test app contains an user registration flow that will be tested in the UserRegistrationTest:

The test demonstrates how activities can be started and how the interaction with different elements can be done.

Hybrid App Test

Selendroid can be used to test hybrid applications. The project contains a Cordova sample app and the EmployeeDirectoryTest:

Testing the mobile Web

Selendroid supports with version 0.7.0 testing the mobile web. The sample project contains a MobileWebTest example:

Writing Tests in other languages

Tests can be written in every programming language a Selenium client binding is available. A simple JUnit based python tests you can find here: